KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents an episode with one of our
favorite guests on KAHP, Jaeha USC journalism student.
We go
right into the Korean hierarchy cultural practice and how it is
utilized in social and professional settings. We also go over the
reply email from Bacow and Flip hilarious one image response. We finish with the
thought of LARPing as Korean Lords and bringing back the Korean King to love back on his people.
Mainly to complain to the King about the situation in Korea and the
afflictions the Korean youth face today.
contact Jaeha if you know someone in the Koreatown restaurant
industry who is willing to share their story. jaehacha@usc.edu
hosted by Han Kim, an avid Korean Pungmul Player and has a BA from
UCLA in East Asian Studies. He hopes to seek the truth to this
American Korean odyssey.
contact han@koreanamericanheritage.com for any questions and
About the Podcast
An educational podcast seeking the Korean American Heritage truths hosted by Philip "Flip" Cuddy (dosan.org), Sofia Carro, and Han Kim (inthekimchijar.com).