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KoreanAmericanHeritage podcast

Aug 28, 2018 presents Racism. Flip goes over his experiences regarding racism and what the Korean pioneer generation went through. Hope this episode enlightens and informs what it really was like to go through racism in in early Korean American history.


KAHP Intro music credited to Ban-Jang Kim of...

Aug 28, 2018 presents our commentary episode on our trip to San Diego hosted by Total Youth Productions. Thank you to Editor Seo, Jessica Kwen, and Jini Shim for hosting and inviting Flip and Han. Flip's speech can be found on this youtube link .  



KAHP Intro...

Aug 15, 2018 presents our interview with AZRA, a pop artist who does it all from singing, dancing, song writing, and performer. She managed her own music label and even wrote a book on the cupcake theory. A talented force to recognize and blazing a trail in the music scene. She just release her music video...

Aug 11, 2018 presents our commentary episode on California State Assembly resolution ACR 269: Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Day. What is historically incorrect and why this resolution should be rejected. 


Intro music credited to Ban-Jang Kim of Windy City.
Logo designed by Minsoo Kim.

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Aug 11, 2018 presents our interview with Philip "Flip" Cuddy. Learn about his life and his experience with racism in both Korea and America. He also shares some stories about his mother Susan Ahn Cuddy. 

From our Swedish Fan "the murder case Flip refers to in one of the latest eps