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KoreanAmericanHeritage podcast

Mar 31, 2018 presents KAHP Episode 2: The First Koreatown, USA. We investigate the term town and define it as a community and centralized location which the community organized itself to be efficient in society. Thus San Francisco was the very first Koreatown, USA. We compare the historical significance...

Mar 29, 2018 presents KAHP Episode 1: The First Korean Americans. Who were the first Korean Americans? This episode we explore first the history of what was going on in Korea and who were the first Americans that entered Korea. We go over the history of the American missionaries and their involvement of...

Mar 29, 2018

Hello, welcome to the Korean American Heritage Podcast (KAHP) brought to you by we are three fellow history and culture seeking enthusiasts. Hoping to provide a deeper analysis into Korean American History and Culture. Come seek this rich history and heritage together with us.

Our Main Hosts: