Apr 26, 2020
KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents an episode Flip and Han and their take on the recent news developments of Kim Jong Un's health reported on April 24th, 2020 and what's going on with his COVID19 quarantine. Enjoy.
KAHP Intro music credited to Ban-Jang Kim of Windy City.
KAHP Logo designed by Minsoo Kim.
Apr 21, 2020
KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents an episode with Jaeha Chang a returning guest on KAHP, he shares his take on the recent fake news developments of Kim Jong Un's health reported on April 20th, 2020 and what's going on with his COVID19 quarantine. Enjoy.
KAHP Intro music credited to Ban-Jang Kim of Windy City.
Apr 21, 2020
KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents an episode on recent fake news developments of Kim Jong Un's health reported on April 20th, 2020 and what's going on with ourselves during this COVID19 quarantine. Enjoy.
KAHP Intro music credited to Ban-Jang Kim of Windy City.
KAHP Logo designed by Minsoo Kim.
Please contact
Apr 12, 2020
KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents an episode on Flip's current involvement with the COVID19 testing equipment and his thoughts on the current on going crisis. Enjoy.
KAHP Intro music credited to Ban-Jang Kim of Windy City.
KAHP Logo designed by Minsoo Kim.
Please contact han@koreanamericanheritage.com for any...
Apr 4, 2020
KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents an episode on Dr. Chang Sei Kim. Dosan Chang Ho Ahn's brother in law and one of the important leaders of the independence movement. Listen in on Flip discussing Dr. Kim history and how it's relevant to today's COVID19 crisis. http://koreanamericanheritage.libsyn.com/
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