KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents Flip's last episode with us at
KAHP. It has been an awesome journey to have Flip as the American
Korean Community historian. Through his own family history and
personal experiences Flip has told us the American Korean odyssey.
His unique perspective allowed us to critically think of the
current issues and reflections of the past. Wish Flip thanks by
emailing him at flip@dosan.org.
special surprise guest is in store as well to wish Flip a hello and
newspaper article Flip referenced to about the Korean gov't advice
towards pregnant women.
hosted by Philip "Flip" Cuddy grandson to Dosan Ahn Chang Ho, son
to Susan Ahn Cuddy, one of the most knowledgeable historian in
American Korean History. The other Co-Host is Han Kim, an avid
Korean Pungmul Player and has a BA from UCLA in East Asian Studies.
Together they seek the truth to this American Korean
contact han@koreanamericanheritage.com for any questions and
About the Podcast
An educational podcast seeking the Korean American Heritage truths hosted by Philip "Flip" Cuddy (dosan.org), Sofia Carro, and Han Kim (inthekimchijar.com).